Introduction/Working principle
QK-DAF Dissolved Air flotation (DAF) is used to treat wastewater that contain free fioating or emulsified ol, dissolved heavy metalssoaps,surfactants ,and many other waste streams. With the features of lower power consumption, high treat e ficiency, simple instalationand maintenance , it is one of the most popular dissolved air fotation clarifier in China.
The removal is achieved by dissolving air in the water or wastewater under pressure and then releasing the air at atmosphericpressure in a fiotation tank, The released air forms tiny bubbles which adhere to the suspended mater causing the suspended malter tofoat to the surface of the water where it may then be removed by a skimming device.
Our DAF unit dasions utilize, naralel nlate nacking,material(e a, lamellasito nravide more senaration surace and therefore toenhance the separation efficiency of the unit.
1,Compact structure,less footprint;
2,50% lower power consumption than other equipment;
3,50% lower chemical consumption than other equipment;
4,High consistency scum, up to 4%;
5,Cleaner outletwater,SSremoval rate > 95%,insoluble COD removal rate >70%.