Located in Xin Xiang city, China, Qiankun Environmental Protection joint Stock Co., Ltd has several years offorging ahead, combining with advanced technology from China and abroad, owns abundant practical experience andhigh-tech research team, launch a whole chain industrial enterprise, which offers a one-stop service for all kinds ofwaste water treatment project, waste gas monitor & control project, and has accumulated over 2000 of references inpulp paper, printing dyeing, chemical fiber, chemicals, leather, pharmaceutical, medical treatment, breeding, etc.various kinds of industries and mu nicipal s ewage treatment proj ects.
Business scope covers three waste treatments: EPC proiect of industrial & municipal wastewater& waste-gastreatment project, reclaimed water reuse, sea water desalinization, black and odorous water treatment, ecologicalrestoration, soil restoration, landfil leachate treatment, environmental wisdom, on-line monitoring, stink bio-filters.VOCs treatment. and manufacture of whole series equipment. (Sludge dewatering machine, Dissolved air flotationmachine, Sludge scraper and suction machine, various push-flow agitators, Submersible aerator, Push-flow aerator.MBR integrated equipment, coarse and fine bar screen, Biological filter, Disinfection equipment, Ozone equipmentvarious filtering equipment, automatic dosing equipment, Anaerobic reactor, Fenton reactor and oth er non-s tandardprocess ing equ ipment )
Activated carbon filter is mainly used to remove impurities inwater because activated carbon has strong adsorption capacity.Activated carbon filter can absorb organic substances, colloidalparticles,microorganisms,chlorine, bromine,iodine andother non-metallic substances in water.
Activated carbon filter is widely used in water treatment projects in food, medicine, electronics, chemical and other industries. it isnot only a subseauent eauipment in the reclaimed water treatment process, but also a prelreatment equipment in the water treatmeniprocess. it can efectively prevent pollutants in the water from contaminating subsequent equipment and improve the smell and color ofwater.